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May 2023
Training Tuesday
Too many American families live paycheck to paycheck. Community Action Agencies like ours are proud to offer financial skills training to help families improve economic stability and build assets. #TrainingTuesday #CommunityActionMonth
Find out more »Mental Health Awareness Week
1 in 5 adults in the United States experiences mental illness. Learn more about Mental Health at nami.org/mhm. If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org. It's okay to ask for help. Stop the stigma. Let's talk about mental health. #MentalHealthWeek #CommunityActionMonth
Find out more »Provider Appreciation Day
Did you know it's Provider Appreciation Day? Please take a moment today to appreciate and give thanks to all our caring and dedicated childcare providers. The work you do is so important, and we thank you! #ProviderAppreciationDay #CommunityActionMonth
Find out more »Stat Saturday
South Central Community Action Agency is proud to provide comprehensive early childhood education, health, and nutrition services. Last year, our Head Start, Early Head Start, and Early Head Start Expansion programs served a total of 618 children across the seven counties we service. #StatSaturday #CommunityActionWorks #CommunityActionMonth
Find out more »Mother’s Day
This Mother's Day, we're proud to honor the incredible women who have served as mothers to Community Action, helping strengthen and grow our national network with their outstanding leadership and influence #CommunityActionMonth
Find out more »International Day of Families
Community Action Agencies provide millions of families with life-changing services and programs like Head Start, healthy food assistance, literacy programs, childcare and so much more! #InternationalDayofFamilies #CommunityActionMonth
Find out more »Transformation Tuesday
Millions of Americans live in economically distressed areas. Community Action Agencies are helping transform communities by creating and expanding community resources including facilities, local businesses, and other entities. #TransformationTuesday #WeR1000Strong #CommunityActionMonth
Find out more »Head Start’s Birthday
Happy Birthday, Head Start! For 58 years Head Start has been providing comprehensive early childhood education, health, nutrition, and parent involvement services to children and families. #HappyBirthdayHeadStart #CommunityActionMonth
Find out more »Armed Forces Day
South Central Community Action Agency would like to thank all of our past, present, and future members of the Armed Forces for all of the hard work and sacrifices they make to help keep our communities and country safe. #ArmedForcesDay #CommunityActionMonth
Find out more »Mission Monday
The mission of South Central Missouri Community Action Agency is to assist low-income families in their efforts to become self-sufficient by providing programs and services to improve the quality of their lives and the opportunity to eliminate the causes and conditions of poverty. #MissionMonday #CommunityActionMonth
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